$4,500.00 USD

Certified Professional Leadership Coach

A 64-hour ICF-Inspired Education Course.

Course includes:

Core Competencies: Coaching education that directly relates to or expands upon the ICF Core Competencies, is coach-specific in nature and relates directly to the client-coaching relationship.

Resource Development: 

Educational content in skills that contribute to a coach’s professional development (e.g., personal development, coaching tools or assessments, business building, or other material that falls outside the ICF Core Competencies)

Synchronous Hours: 64+ hours spent in real-time interactions between faculty and participants. This may include time spent in direct instruction, real-time discussions, observation and feedback or practice coaching sessions, and mentoring participants.

Asynchronous Hours: 

20 % hours spent outside of real-time interaction between faculty and participants. These may include outside reading, writing, research, journaling, practice coaching and various other activities that may occur outside of the synchronous setting. All asynchronous hours have prerequisite of validating that the participant completed the activity.