Welcome to Coaching and Leadership Mastery!

I’m Shazia, the Founder of Coaching and Leadership Mastery, and I’m here because I believe that every one of us has the potential to lead a life full of purpose, Prosperity, utmost potential, and success. For over 20 years, I've had the privilege of guiding people on their journeys toward self-discovery and empowerment, and I’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of coaching and leadership.

Coaching isn’t just a skill—it’s a way of life. It’s about learning to listen deeply, to yourself and others, and to lead with compassion and clarity. Whether you’re navigating your career, strengthening relationships, or building confidence, these skills are the foundation of true success. And leadership? It’s about more than guiding others; it’s about leading yourself with integrity and vision, no matter where life takes you.

My journey has been shaped by a deep love of learning, fueled by the books that line my shelves and the companionship of my 1.5-year-old Golden Retriever, who reminds me daily of the joy in simple moments. With two master's degrees and credentials in Project Management (PMP)and Agile Management (PMI-ACP), I have background in Upper management, Program, Funds and stakeholder management. I have been involved directly and indirectly in Training and Professional Development of Executives, managers and  teams. I’ve combined my love of knowledge with practical skills to help others grow and thrive.

But beyond the credentials and the experience, there’s something even more essential: spirituality. I believe that without a deep connection to our own inner selves, we can’t truly connect with others. It’s this inner work that lays the foundation for everything else—our relationships, our careers, our lives.

At Coaching and Leadership Mastery, I’m not just offering courses; I’m inviting you to embark on a journey—a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation. Together, we’ll unlock the leader within you, harness your unique strengths, and build a life that’s not just successful but deeply fulfilling.

Join me, and let’s create something extraordinary together.


Shazia Bashir, MCC


Certified Associate Coach

Senior Certified Professional Coach

Certified Executive Coach

5 NLP Techniques to Instantly have the Optimistic Mindset


Here are five NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) techniques to help you feel instantly positive, optimistic, energized, and in a doer mindset:

  1. Anchoring: Create a physical trigger that you associate with positive emotions. For example, press your thumb and forefinger together while vividly recalling a moment when you felt powerful, happy, or successful. Practice this repeatedly until the action triggers those emotions instantly.

  2. Swish Pattern: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones by visualizing an unwanted behavior or feeling as an image in your mind. Then, quickly “swish” that image away and replace it with a bright, empowering image of how you want to feel or behave. Repeat this process until the positive image naturally dominates.

  3. Future Pacing: Imagine yourself successfully completing a task or achieving a goal. Visualize the steps you’ll take, how good you’ll feel, and the rewards of your actions. This technique mentally rehearses success, boosting confidence and motivation.

  4. Change of Submodalities: Identify how you internally represent negative feelings (e.g., dull, dark, or distant images) and consciously alter these submodalities. For example, make the image brighter, closer, or more colorful. This simple shift can instantly change your emotional state.

  5. Powerful Language Patterns: Use positive affirmations and empowering language to reframe your mindset. Instead of saying, "I hope I can do this," rephrase it to "I am fully capable of doing this." Speak in a way that reinforces your belief in your abilities and your commitment to taking action.


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Visualization Practice for Becoming a Successful Coach and Making a Difference

  1. Set the Scene: Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Imagine you're standing at the beginning of a path that represents your coaching journey. The path is bathed in warm, golden light, symbolizing opportunity and potential.

  2. Visualize Your Ideal Self: Picture yourself as a successful coach. See the way you dress, how you carry yourself, and the confidence in your posture. Imagine yourself speaking with clients, your voice calm and assured, filled with wisdom and compassion. Feel the energy of empowerment and positivity radiating from you.

  3. Engage All Your Senses: As you walk down the path, hear the sound of your footsteps, steady and purposeful. Feel the texture of the path beneath your feet, solid and supportive. Smell the fresh, invigorating air, symbolizing new beginnings and endless possibilities. Taste the excitement of success as it lingers in the air.

  4. Envision Your Impact: Visualize the people you are helping—clients who are growing, transforming, and achieving their goals because of your guidance. See their smiles, hear their words of gratitude, and feel the deep sense of fulfillment that comes from making a real difference in their lives.

  5. Create a Symbol of Success: Imagine a powerful symbol that represents your success as a coach—a glowing torch, a shining star, or a majestic tree with deep roots and abundant branches. This symbol embodies your strength, growth, and the positive impact you’re making. See this symbol in your mind's eye, and let it fill you with a sense of purpose and determination.

  6. Step into the Future: Picture yourself in the future, having achieved your coaching goals. See the thriving practice you’ve built, the network of connections you’ve formed, and the many lives you’ve touched. Experience the emotions of pride, joy, and gratitude as you look back on your journey.

  7. Anchor the Visualization: As you hold this powerful image in your mind, create a physical anchor, such as placing your hand over your heart or pressing your thumb and forefinger together. Whenever you need a boost of confidence or motivation, use this anchor to recall the vivid images, feelings, and sensations from this visualization.

  8. Conclude with Affirmation: End the visualization by affirming your success: “I am a powerful and successful coach, making a meaningful difference in the lives of others. My journey is filled with growth, fulfillment, and joy.” Open your eyes and carry the energy of this visualization with you as you move forward in your coaching career.

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